Friday, February 10, 2006


So after my first test in genetics today, I realized that my choice in career path requires sacrifice that I have not been willing to give so far. As evidence of my naivete, I thought I could live a double life: the life I have been living as teacher, wife, orchestra member, and friend and life as a dental school hopeful. They are, as they exist now, completely incompatible and it has to change. See, a part of the reason I was so sick of pre-med is that I had no life. At least I didn't have one that seemed very fulfilling. I wasn't having fun or doing what I really wanted to do, so I made it so I could. Now that's a huge oversipmlification of all of the reasons behind my change, but it was indeed a part of it. I knew when I got myself into this that my devotions would need to change, but I so thought I could get away with it. NO. No I can't. It's impossible. So, sacrifice is needed to reach the long term goal of a career I will really enjoy because I worked my tail off for something fulfilling. So here's what's left of my attempt at hybridization: I must still be a wife and teacher (for now - the teacher part, not the wife part) but I have to give up orchestra and small group time to let the dental school hopeful in me shine through. Unfortunately, those two things, to a big extent, help me keep my sanity. But I can only do so much, and if I'm really serious about this I have to give it up. I think a lot of my sanity will be saved by being able to get everything done in a timely manner instead of last minute and I will be more prepared for everything in general. I should have already done it, but, as usual, I have to do it the hard way....after I've learned a hard lesson. 38 days left.

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