Monday, February 06, 2006

Look, that's me!

It is so amazing how a productive weekend can seem like nothing after one day. Granted, I'm not behind or anything, but this "wave" as Dr. Iverson calls it is looming and I am paddling as fast as my Tetanus swollen arm can. I'm pretty sure I'll catch it. No problem. Just have to keep paddling. And I have to study this weekend, even if we are going to Houston. Luckily, I'll have just taken a genetics test, so I can skip that for the weekend and work on organic and DAT stuff. But I have to study. Even with Omi lurking about. I start studying for the PAT portion tomorrow and hopefully by next week I can start taking practice tests. My practice test software came in over the weekend, so that's a major plus. I have a total of 8 practice tests to take and memorize and, well practice with. Should I start the countdown? Ok....let's see....42 days until the day of reckoning.

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Workin' 9 to 5

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