Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Midterm Monsters

Right now I'm in denial, checking my email, watching my Gilmore, and getting excited about the hot tub that awaits me...instead of studying for midterms.

Today we prepped fake teeth with fake decay in them and it was a nice look at what dentistry is...really is. I mean the unrealistically tiny perfect preps of Baylor Operative are silly. But thank goodness for the hand skills! The amount of lab work we do in fixed is completely unbalanced with the amount of crown preps we should be doing since that is what we will be doing 1/2 the time in our careers. NOT waxing and investing and casting and polishing, all of which I'm behind in. Hence the complaining.

I had some nostaligic time last night reading my blog from Day 1 and it's so hard to believe it was three years ago this December that I started studying for the DAT. That's crazy. This December, I will start studying for and possible take the National Board part I. It's the DAT on steroids. Serious anabolic steroids. Then we take part II which is more clinic based and then the WREB where we actually treat patients. I bought some dental decks from a 4th year and it can be a little intimidating to look at. Get ready for study updates and practice test scores come Christmas!

1 comment:

betsy green said...

YEAH! A new blog friend and something else to add to my relatively sad "blogroll". Abby, you must NEVER sleep. . .between dental school, sewing, baking, blogging. . . and I thought Vaughn kept me busy! Guess I am just a whimp! I'll add you to my reading list as well! When I have a few extra minutes I can't wait to catch up on the "house blog"! Miss you! Betsy

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