Monday, September 01, 2008

Lessons Learned

It was a really long week last week as I kept losing things. My ID badge never showed up and the card machine was broken, so I went all week long without until finally on Friday, I happened upon a working machine and the clinic director ready to help. Yay. I apparently left my Mx typodont in my sim head on Thursday as I was rushed out of the lab for the 4th years to take over for a progress exam. The guy in my spot took it with him and I was upper arch-less for the entire week. I spent perfectly good study time (and chilling time) on eBay looking for cheap replacements, but in the end my friend Regan who graduated last May was gracious enough to give me hers, which I picked up on Friday afternoon. Needless to say, typodont-napper fessed up and is supposedly going to return it to me (although I will probably have to get it myself...). Next was my mixing bowl, but that was easy as Alex and just packed one of mine up with his. Not bad. Next problem was that I left my handpieces out just in time for the next progress exam, but they were in their rightful place when I returned. Yeesh! I have got to straighten my act up! And I actually need to start studying. Really. I'm kinda everything but fixed and radiology : ) Cuz we have pop quizzes in those classes : )


Greg, Alissa, Luke and Jack said...

I'm still looking for my removable articulator. Shows how useful that thing is after school!

greg melton

Chris and Jill said...

Awww, hang in there! Organization is way overrated anyway ;-)

Workin' 9 to 5

Well, after all of the hullabaloo of graduation, it was time to start looking for work.  I knew being obviously pregnant, it would be pret...