Wednesday, March 22, 2006

On to the next!

So, after the test yesterday, I stopped by RRCA and told Susan and Becky that I'm cutting loose of teaching per the wise advice of my husband and I'm charting a new course. I've talked to Mandy and Dr. Jean, both of whom were optimistic about me finding a position. Mandy said she'll need someone this fall if she finds someone to associate with so she can cut back. Sounds like a plan. I'm going to Dallas this weeked to help Kevin in the clinic, so he can teach me how to assist. Then I'll have experience for the mission trip to Acuna. Then I'll have lots of experience so that I can find an assisting job (in case it doesn't work out with Mandy or anyone else). 'Cause I'm sure not teaching. Plans, plans, plans. “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley.”

How about Organic test next week! Gotta pick up the slack and focus. Studying starts today. Or did it ever really end?

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