Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Opera Buffa = Perfect Way to Start Your Break

Figaro was amazing! It was so funny and so well done - I loved it! For all the studying of Mozart I've done, I never really knew how funny this opera was until I read the libretto. Then on stage, they did such a good job! We went the last night, so unfortunately, I can't encourage you to go see it now, but if you like classical music in the slightest, I highly recommend this opera if you ever get the chance. Don't worry, they have the English above the stage for the non-Italian speaking among us. What a great birthday present!
So it was nice to get a little dressed up and have a quiet dinner together and sit at the opera (for 4+ hours!) and just relax. No house, no school, just some good entertainment from my favorite composer. Next on the list....Don Giovanni. Maybe in the new opera house....

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