Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

We're going to Dallas. I cried, we hugged, we laughed enough to ease the tension. We shared some really important things and made plans to let Erik win. There's no real solution to our problem, but it's one of those things that will go away with time. Eventually, we will joke about it without hurting any feelings, but for now it's hard. And that doesn't spoil things, it's just how it is. So one step at a time, we will begin to make it a reality. Which is really bizarre. I mean REALLY. It's so hard to imagine any of this really happening. But I suppose that's how it is with all the really big things in life. It's hard to imagine, but then when it actually happens we marvel at how it's nothing like what we imagined.

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