There are a few things in life that are very simple to do, good for you, and in the long run, cost effective, but for some reason SOOO hard to actually do. Flossing is one. Spending time with God, at least where I am right now, is another. It's strangely so hard to get back on the wagon (?) but once you're on, it's fun and you look forward to the ride. I've hopped on and off for a while now, but there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be in for the long haul. Don't get me wrong, I really do think about God a lot during the day and sing to Him and pray, but really, during the life changing moments it's stupid not to really be studying and reveling in every drop of the Word that I can. I want the skills I gain in dental school to be used for His kingdom and to keep that focus, I, well, need to focus. I have this routine of putting my nightguard in denture cleaner to soak and then hopping on the computer to update my blog, for example, and check the 5 or so other sites I routinely go to throughout the day. At least 20 minutes. There is no reason I should be doing this and then lament the fact that I'm just not in the Word. So. Nightguard cleaning time is now sacred...set apart...holy. I have plenty of time to update this stuff later.