Friday, November 24, 2006


I might have a letter or two one week from today. For now, I cower in the study at my in-laws avoiding Omi's constant rambling and my bad chess pie. I pray that tomorrow I can get out away from her most of the day. I really would be doing much better if we weren't living with her for three days. Ugh. Let me say it again...ugh. Once this marathon is over, Monday will bring the week of anticipation. At this point, it really is just torture. In every way imaginable. I join my fellow applicants in SDN as we experience what no one else understands and think about checking the mail on that fateful day. And then the next day, and then again on Monday, and then...

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Workin' 9 to 5

Well, after all of the hullabaloo of graduation, it was time to start looking for work.  I knew being obviously pregnant, it would be pret...