Thursday, November 09, 2006


Tomorrow is the 1st day of Texas Mission of Mercy in Round Rock. I went by today for orientation which turned out to just be t-shirt/ID pick up. My ID still has Mandy's name on it, so Erik and I decided that it would be best to sharpie it out so I don't have to explain anything. I can't wait to start fresh. The biggest deal is just picking up tomorrow and giving it everything I have and learning a lot and more importantly helping a lot of people. That's the whole reason for any of this. And honestly, it's the call I initially felt in Africa when I wanted to have an occupation that would meet the physical needs of people who desparately need help. I want to become a dentist and go to Romania and Mexico and the Dell Diamond and wherever they will take me.

My goal for tomorrow: I won't be the least bit hesitant to try anything they ask me to do. I will communicate any questions I might have. I will be alert and vigilant and thorough even though it seems that I'm going blind and losing my common sense all at the same time. I think I need to get back on my daily vitamins...Hmmm....

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Workin' 9 to 5

Well, after all of the hullabaloo of graduation, it was time to start looking for work.  I knew being obviously pregnant, it would be pret...