Friday, September 15, 2006

Baylor Interview - A summary

Erik and I set out for Baylor College of Dentistry this morning ready to fight the Dallas traffic, and there was none, so we arrived a good hour early. We parked in what turned out to be the wrong parking garage and headed across the street to the school in my new skirt (my pants came back from the cleaners with a seam coming undone) and heels that were too big with hose one (my feet were continuously slipping out, Cinderella style). We found the elevator, found the room, and we were split up while I filled out my form and waited for my pre-interview session which turned out to be just a run-down of the day. I met Aida, who will be at my Houston interview on Monday, so I'll have two buddies there. We then waited for a good hour for the festivities to begin. 7 interviewees, 4 Aggies, 3 girls. We took the elevator down to the conference room where we got the financial aid talk. Then a professor came in to give us the "Why Baylor is so great" talk, and I got a tickle in my throat curtousey of my recent cold, that would not go away. I fought the good fight, and as long as I didn't swallow, I was ok. Until my nose started running and I had to go diving for my kleenex in my purse. Yeesh. At last, we were finished and it was time for lunch. The 4th years met us and took us down to the cafeteria. All three were Aggies?!? We got our Chick-fil-a and settled down to suck up, ask questions and appear to be friendly and sociable. We broke into groups and toured the surprises there...and headed back for interviews. I met with Dr. Wong, Dr. Miller, and Dr. Moore and all three sessions seemed really laid back and went very smoothly. I was really glad that we got there so early, because the others were waiting and "self-touring" while I was getting it over with, and we were out of there by 2:00. I was really impressed with the labs...a lot more than San Antonio. I also like the fact that we don't have to get laptops. I do not like the fact that they brag about how hard they work you while stating that you can get an excellent dental education anywhere in Texas. Why would I sign up for the torture? Do they get that much pleasure from it? I also liked San Antonio's clinic area better...more realistic. Kevin called later this afternoon to get the scoop and had that "fatherly" disappointment when I did not declare Baylor my obvious choice. Erik hasn't been impressed by anything so far. I don't really know what he's expecting to see, but he hasn't seen it yet. On to Houston...

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