Friday, August 25, 2006

Back to San Antonio

I woke up at 5:00 am, showered, and drove to San Antonio (with a stop at Starbucks along the way) to shadow today. I really hoped that this trip would give me better perspective of the school and it worked! I got there and found the Student Affairs office to meet my DS 1 and go to class. Well, she didn't show, so the receptionist walked me to the lecture hall where I sat on the back row for one of the most boring lectures I've ever sat through - biochemistry. 1/2 the class was missing and the rest were surfing the net and checking emails on their laptops. They should have just stayed in bed. After biochem, the rest of the class joined us for epidemiology which was given by a very feminine man and in the middle of the break, Jennifer found me and I sat with her for the rest of the lecture. She was very nice, a little excessively so, but was very excited to try to be of help. She sat with a girl named Elizabeth and we all went to lunch together. They were full of pros and cons for the school which was helpful, but their disgust for gross anatomy was lamentable. : ) I headed back to the Student Affairs office to meet my DS 4 for clinic and she didn't show, so I was escorted down to the clinic to meet Courtney. Come to find out....she's in Dr. Funk's group. So I got to spend all afternoon with him and his DS 4s. I talked with her about being married and in dental school and she was very nice and had lots of helpful information. She took an impression of a crown prep. Dr. Funk walked me around the bays and I was able to display some of my vast dental knowledge ; ) He introduced me to all the professors on the floor and Dr. Glass who stopped by. I watched a surgical root tip extraction and it was time to go. I left wtih a much more confident feeling about San Antonio's perception of me and my perception of San Antonio. On to the next....

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