Friday, April 07, 2006

I'm a Dental Assistant!

I'm continuously amazed when God's care for me shines through when He gives me good things. Of course God wants to give me good things, I just find it hard to believe sometimes. So when I added my "job" prayer request to the Sunday school newsletter and Mandy emailed me back that she has a position, it was surprising, but no surprise at all. Everything seems to be falling into place. If anything, I will have steady, non-teaching income and that is the first step! She's so excited about helping me out and I'm so ready to learn! What's really great is that I'll learn the front desk as well as assisting, so I will really get some good experience.

I finally got my packet sent off to Dr. Nation and I have all the others ready to go. I'll send Kevin's and I'm visiting with D'Maris on Wednesday. Dr. Iverson will get his in May after I get my A in Organic ( I got a 97 on the last test!).

New checklist:
A in Genetics (I'm maintaining, but confident)
Visit San Antonio
HPO information
Add Microbiology to UT transcript

2 Tests, 1 final, and 7 lab reports to go! It really is almost over, and I'm so glad I went back and finished it all. It was so worth it.

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Workin' 9 to 5

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