Thursday, December 02, 2010

At least the whole pulling teeth part seems pretty successful...

While on oral surgery rotation, I decided to make it as productive as possible and finish my oral surgery minimum requirement of 100 extractions (150 for an "A") and my "student choice" progress exam.  I have to do one more "instructor choice" progress exam and I'm D.O.N.E. with oral surgery as far as my graduation is concerned.

Speaking of graduation, we got a notice in our boxes that we will be doing cap and gown sizing as soon as we come back from the Christmas break.  Might be a little early to do that, huh?

* 1/2 oral surgery progress exams
* 0/2 perio progress exams
* 3/5 root canals
* 6.5/9 removable units
* 1/2 partials
* 2/4 perio cases, plus 1/2 starts
* 3/4 completed pediatric cases
* 1/2 community service credits
* 20/50 crowns - 8 in progress, one ready to cast
* 74/99 filllings
Oral surgery extractions complete! (104/100)
Nitrous oxide sedations complete!
Molar endo complete!
Stainless steel crown complete!
Removable proficiency exam complete!

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Workin' 9 to 5

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