Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let's See How Stupid this Sounds in 48 Hours

Here's the 1:00 am as I tried to talk myself into sleeping, God suddenly reminded me that I never sent my last transcript to UT. Oh, and it was "waivered" through Spring Registration. And that was kind of over yesterday. So immediate panic sat in and no matter how much I prayed and focused on how God has planned a future full of hope for me, I lost control. I woke Erik up and cried and was probably the only way I ever would have gotten to sleep because I was playing through every possible horrible scenario in my head. Now I can't think about anything else. If they drop my classes, it will really stink. I mean really. So my hope and prayer is that when I log back on here Tuesday night this will seem really silly. Really silly. So I've done nothing today, which I'm about to fix with a few hours of DAT fun. Please, Lord, let this be silly. I'll need a good laugh after today.

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Workin' 9 to 5

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