Sunday, March 15, 2009


Upon returning to school after spring break, I will be encountering a lot of firsts. First denture patient, first nitrous oxide administration, first injections (okay, maybe I did some in Mexico), and first diagnosis appointments. Here we go! Summer clinic will bring even more, but it's time to ramp up, get lots of good advice, and think about how I want this to go (I'm sure I'll look back on this and laugh hysterically).

We had a lunch and learn with the upperclassmen last week to get advice on how to make the experience of entering clinic as smooth as possible. I took good notes (literally typed it up) and I'm planning on running through it and making a sort of action plan. At this point, my general goal is to treat my clinic years as if I'm starting up a practice. I'll bring in lots of call patients (friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family, friends of friends of friends, you get the idea) and count what they throw my way as icing on the cake. I'll micro-manage my appointments, and work to avoid having paperwork and labwork preclude me from chair time. Can it be that different from a cake business? ; )

At this point, I feel like I'm ramping up. I don't want to over do it and make things harder on myself than they have to be, but I want the experience to be better than it has worked out for some 3rd years so far this year.

And spring break? A lot of the moving is done, still bits and pieces to do. LOTS of house finishing before unpacking. And some serious quilting is in my future. And a birthday cake. Maybe two.

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