Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Scoop

Mandy wrote my letter on Thursday. It's really nice to have it, although now it seems like such a small thing - the letter was really short and not really anything special. I'm way more thankful for the experience than what she had to say. I got in touch with my old pal Austin from Camp Sweeney to see what he has to say about San Antonio. I hope I can get the inside scoop. Today I took my CPR class for my dental assistant registration and next week I take the class. I still need to send off for the radiology study materials. I have plenty of time. It can't be that hard. I'm going down to UT on Tuesday after work to give them Mandy's letter and release all of them - finally - to TMDSAS, AADSAS and the schools directly. Three weeks until interviews start at San Antonio!

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Workin' 9 to 5

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